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Monday 17 October 2011

I made a new blog for panfu.

Hello Everyone. If you are reading this, this may be my last blog post i am going to make on this blog. I have decided to make a new blog. You can see it in panfus blog list. The blog I am using is very difficult to use, its the blog max and ella uses for their blog.
 So I do apologizes if my new blog isn't so good, I need to get used to it all. if you would like to see my blog it's on Panfus blog list, and I added a link to my blog at the very bottom of this website.

I will do some posts on this blog. But not as much. They will all go to my new blog.
On the new blog there will be NO! chat box. Just all of Panfus news, pictures etc.


  1. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, HOW R U GOING TO CHAT WITH U, U DONT KNOQ TO PANFU VERY OFTEN, PLZ DONT DELETE UR BLOG, and if u did, WE WILL MISS THIS BLOG, AND PLZZZZZZZZ, MAKE THE COMPETITION ON THIS BLOG, or maybe on the new one, whateva u like, i will miss this blog, it was the coolest blog ever, :), :( :( :( :( :( :(

  2. NOOOO im not deleting this blog. I'm keeping it. And to be honest that new blog (wordpress) Im not going to use that blog. its too hard to use. So I have made a new blog using blogger. It's going to be like this blog, but with a few different things, and no chat box.
    And the competition will go on the new blog.

    The one and only, Damian101
