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Wednesday 20 July 2011

Muffins in panfu

In panfu if you go to the restaurant in san franpanfu, go and talk to Bruno. He will tell you go to the volcano and play the game Hubi. When you get to the volcano you will see a red helicopter on the helipad. Above it you will see a banana with a thing saying 0/600. You have to collect a total of 600 points overall on Hubi.

When you have got all the 600 points go to Bruno in san franpanfu. He will gibe you a print out sheet of a recipe,Yum Yum, that if you wish you could print out. After he will give you a muffin, you then go to Pro.bookworm in the cave (in the shrinking room) You give him the muffin. Then he rewards you with a gift. He gives you a helicopter to put inside your tree.
I Hope you all have or had fun on this quest. And enjoy your prize.
Yours Damian

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