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Sunday 11 September 2011

Awesome panda account EVER! (And in english)

Hello my friends.
As you know panfu started almost 3 years ago.
And so much has changed since then.
Rarely you may see some panfu accounts that have been in panfu for around 1000 days... OR MORE!
And some accounts have so much history items in there inventory. (like the alien suit etc)
Well. There is a panda in panfu that comes in now and then. His name is 'Uncut'
I have had his name on my list for a long time.
So I thought why not share it with all of you out there.
I took some pictures of his profile.
If you ever see him in panfu (he mostly goes to the city in the glitch, and always wears the same thing)
Add him as a friend. He is one cool panda :)
He has one awesome and rare account!
...And he has the GP
I know I will make a game up. Ok I will start you off just so you get a hint on what to do.
You have you look in his inventory, and count as many old history clothing you can see?
I'll start you off.

I will do the head inventory as an example. You can do the rest. That's if you want to play?
In the head inventory he has: Alien mask, blue sports cap, halloween mask, santa hat, school hat and snowman hat.
You try and find all the other items.

(note he dose have a lot more stuff in his inventory)

Also... A person followed my blog and his name is uncut12. Im not sure if it is him or not lol.


  1. I can't help but say that is swweeettt dude!

  2. I was wondering if u could plz follow my blog! Also I linked your website to mine because I love this blog!!!

  3. Hey kristina. Yeah I know right, that guy is sweet. And thank you for the link. I followed your blog too. It is very good. And thank you for liking my blog hehe.

    The one and only, Damian101

  4. Hi Damian! im cfal... u no CUTEFUNNYANDLOVE! im one of ur friends if u don't. btw i want to meet this guy called uncut!! he is so kwl


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