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Friday 9 September 2011

Someone who copied me..... IS NOW HISTORY

Hi guys. so in the evening time today (UK Time zone) Someone made an account called '101_damian' And went around 'pretending' to be me. Now this person were reveled by a good old friend of mine Pandi (her panfu name is now cuty155) She told me that it were her friend that made it. I don't know this person. cuty deleted this account so it is now gone. All I can say is thank you very much cuty for deleting it and being honest to me. Thank you very much.

I know that cher (tuliesa) early on today kept saying to me damian stop with the jokes this isn' funny. Well cher this isn't a joke. I am always on the __Damian101__ account and you should be aware of that by now. And if I ever get blocked from chat I use my 101Damian account.Everyone knows that I use the __Damian101__ account.

Anyway no worries now. The acount has been deleted and everything is back to normal... Well I hope anyway. Let's hope that no one makes an account like that. Stick to your own accounts. You wouldn't like it is i made an account like your and went around saying its my new account and people believe you. 
...And if it dose happen again ill just hack the account and eventually delete it.


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